1. In order to post to Central Dispatch, you will first need to request a CD UID directly from Central Dispatch.
This process takes just a minute.In your account on Central Dispatch account, Select Import Vehicles, and fill in the form to request credentials.
Central Dispatch reps will follow up with you in 1-2 days. You will get CD UID and email,
2. When you get an email from Central Dispatch =>
You can enter them in MY>Settings
CD UID - what you get in the email from Central Dispatch
CD Email - a system email to Central Dispatch import system, not your CD email or login
usually cdupd-v4@centraldispatch.com
Doing so will allow all the jobs posted to flow into your account on Central Dispatch automatically.
When Jobs are removed, or dispatched via CarShipIO they will also be removed from Central.
3. Next, when you are posting a job, Check Post to Central Dispatch
Notes: when you checked the box "Post to Central Dispatch" you will see the loads in your CD account in ''MY Vehicles'' Menu or Posted jobs.