First, install the CarShipIO load importer Extension - How To Install CarShipIO Extension

The extension works for Central Dispatch, CarsArrive, and Metrogistics. 

For all other companies check - Import a Load using PDF

Make sure that you are logged into your CarShipIO account. 

Open your Central Dispatch account and follow the pictures. 

Go to Find Shipments>Dispatched to me

Click on View Button

Click on CarShipIO green button to import the Load

Wait for a few seconds. The extension is working. When the load is imported - a new tab will be opened.

NOTE that CarShipIO extension is working on the old Dispatch Page.

You can access it here -
  1. Navigate via "dispatch to me", which you can bookmark, and from there navigate to load details and see the import button.

In the new tab with the Load details select the truck and the Driver, scroll down and SAVE THE LOAD