From the main Top menu, select My > Templates

We have different types of templates, and you can have multiple templates of the same kind, please make sure one of the templates is Default, by checking the box.

Examples of the most important templates:

Broker Quote Templatethe initial quote
QUOTE ACCEPT TEMPLATEconfirmation email when the quote is accepted

Customer contract (Terms and conditions) 

Carrier contract (Terms and conditions) 

Create a MISC template to manually send a template

You can create a new Template or import a template from your current broker CRM provider, currently jTracker, CarrierSoft MegaBee are supported

To convert the template, paste the current template and hit the Process button, the output will be the Template that CarShipIO can work with. Please note some of the tags may not be supported, contact our technical support with additional questions.

Check TAGS for templates here